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Laura Hammock


About Laura

Hi, I’m Laura from the Social Brain Lab. As the lab manager my job is to support, coordinate, and ensure the smooth functioning of both daily activities and collaborations alongside long-term projects.

I discovered my love of neuroscience while in my undergrad at Carthage College and was fortunate enough to have many wonderful research opportunities. Unsure of what I wanted to do in life after my undergrad I decided to continue studying neuroscience as I love the interdisciplinary nature of it. This led me to the University of Amsterdam, where I got a master’s degree in Brain and Cognitive Science.

During the weekends, you will find me at the park with my dog or playing games with my family and friends. I enjoy traveling to new places and trying new things, especially food.

I love research and I am happy that I can support my colleagues as we advance our understanding of the social brain through the exploration of neural mechanisms underlying social behavior.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email.

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