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Chaoyi Qin


About Chaoyi

One aspect of my research at the Social Brain Lab focuses on understanding the neural circuits involved in motion perception, specifically how dynamic information flows along the dorsal visual motion pathway. This investigation aims to shed light on whether the brain functions in a predictive or passive manner. To explore this, I will use intracranial recordings in human patients and collaborate with colleagues who are utilizing EEG, MEG, and fMRI techniques.

Another part of my research aims to unravel the neural circuits of empathy, more particularly how we understand the emotions of others. This will mainly be studied in rodents using functional ultrasound brain imaging (fUSI) and human patients with intracranial recordings, possibly also combining with other technique such as electrophysiology and cFOS etc, the goal is to compare the findings across species to get an broader understanding of empathy in our brain.

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