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Pharmacological modulation of dreaming

Research group Siclari
Hours 6 months
Location Amsterdam
Daily coaching Jessica Bruijel
Senior tutor Francesca Siclari

The Sleep and Dreams lab is seeking a highly motivated intern for a project on the pharmacological modulation of dreaming.

The project combines a unique combination of cutting-edge experimental approaches, including pharmacological modulations of the arousal systems, 256-channel-high-density EEG sleep recordings combined with controlled sensory stimulations, and serial awakening paradigms. The candidate will work in the laboratory of Francesca Siclari, senior group leader, whose research focuses on the neurobiological mechanisms of dreams. The intern will be directly supervised by one experienced postdoctoral researcher. There will be no financial support for this internship from the institute.

We are looking for a Master’s student who is fulltime available for a minimal period of 6 months.

If you are interested or would like more information please email Jessica Bruijel:

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Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 1 MB.

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