Four novel loci (19q13, 6q24, 12q24 and 5q14) influence the microcirculation in vivo.
Publication year2010
Published inPLoS Genetics
M.K. Ikram, S. Xueling, R.A. Jensen, M.F. Cotch, A.W. Hewitt, M.A. Ikram, J.J. Wang, R. Klein, B.E. Klein, M.M. Breteler, N. Cheung, G. Liew, P. Mitchell, A.G. Uitterlinden, F. Rivadeneira, A. Hofman, P.T.V.M. de Jong, C.M. Van Duijn, L. Kao, C.Y. Cheng, A.V. Smith, N.L. Glazer, T. Lumley, B. McKnight, B.M. Psaty, F. Jonasson, G. Eiriksdottir, T. Aspelund, X. Global BPgen Consortium