Sleep bruxism (SB) has been associated with biological and psychosocial factors. The assessment of SB includes self-report, clinical evaluation, and polysomnography. This study aimed to investigate the associations of self-reported SB with other sleep disorders and demographic, psychological, and lifestyle factors in the adult general population, and to investigate whether self-reported SB and polysomnographically (PSG) confirmed SB provide similar outcomes in terms of their associated factors. We recruited 915 adults from the general population in Sao Paulo, Brazil. All participants underwent a one-night PSG recording and answered questions about sex, age, BMI, insomnia, OSA risk, anxiety, depression, average caffeine consumption, smoking frequency, and alcohol consumption frequency. We investigated the link between SB and the other variables in univariate, multivariate, and network models, and we repeated each model once with self-reported SB and once with PSG-confirmed SB. Self-reported SB was only significantly associated with sex (p = 0.042), anxiety (p = 0.002), and depression (p = 0.03) in the univariate analysis, and was associated with insomnia in the univariate (p < 0.001) and multivariate (β = 1.054, 95%CI 1.018-1.092, p = 0.003) analyses. Network analysis showed that self-reported SB had a direct positive edge to insomnia, while PSG-confirmed SB was not significantly associated with any of the other variables. Thus, sleep bruxism was positively associated with insomnia only when self-reported, while PSG-confirmed SB was not associated with any of the included factors.
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