A central topic in neurobiology concerns the study of the formation of neuronal connections and their potential or failure to regenerate or adapt after injury. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS) neurons usually do regenerate quite successfully. In contrast, in the central nervous system (CNS) axonal regeneration is hampered by a lack of neurotrophic support, the formation of scar tissue, the expression of neurite outgrowth- inhibitory proteins at the site of the lesion, and a deficiency in the intrinsic ability of CNS neurons to initiate a program of gene expression that supports regeneration.
The overall objective of the Laboratory for Neuroregeneration is to unravel the biological mechanisms that govern successful regeneration in the PNS and that underlie degeneration and regenerative failure in the CNS. The primary long-term research objective is to make significant contributions to the field of restorative neuroscience and neurology.
The Laboratory for Neuroregeneration has 3 research lines:
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